Card-Based Access Control

Did you know that card-based access control is one of the oldest and most reliable methods of security? It's been around for centuries, and it's still going strong today. Having card-based access control is an incredibly important security measure, and in Utah, card access systems are especially popular. Card access systems involve the use of card readers, which are connected to a card swipe system. When an authorized cardholder swipes their card through the reader, it triggers the card access system, granting them access to a secure area. Here are some interesting facts about card-based access control that you may not have known before. The Evolution of Access Control Card access systems have been around for a long time and have evolved significantly over the years. In the Middle Ages, card keys were used to grant access to castles and fortresses. Today card access systems in Utah are much more sophisticated than they used to be and come in a variety of forms. From card read...